Monday, August 4, 2008

Ummm, meat~!

I am going to Canada on vacation from August 7th to the 23rd so I am not sure how often I will be posting this month. Though I will try to do my best to keep posting a few times a week.

Today, I will quickly talk about meat and vegetarians. Vegetarians mean people who do not eat meat but there are many different kinds of vegetarians. One of the strictest, are vegans. They don't eat meat or ANY animal products such as milk, cheese, ice cream, etc. They also do not use animal products, so no glue, goose down pillows or leather jackets~!

Some vegetarians might eat poultry (bird meat) or fish, some eat no meat but eat eggs. It all depends on the person. Some people choose to not eat red meat but will sometimes eat white meat. What are they?


This is meat that is dark and, when you cook it, it becomes darker. So, the most common red meat is beef, but mutton and horse are also red meat. Traditionally, duck and goose are considered red but that might be changing... The meat of most adult mammals is usually considered red meat.


The most common white meats are pork and chicken. But rabbit, lamb and veal are also often considered white. The meat of young mammals is traditionally white meat. When you cook it, it becomes lighter in color. So uncooked it might be pink but cooked it becomes white.

Is there anything you don't eat?

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