Sunday, November 8, 2009

I was framed~!

Sorry guys, I caught a cold and this means I don't have the energy to write a big post... so instead I will continue the crime theme with a new verb: to frame (someone).

You will often hear this word in crime dramas and movies. It means that you didn't do the crime but someone is making it LOOK like you did. The verb comes from the noun a picture frame, which is the (usually wooden) picture holder that you put a picture in. In Japanese a picture frame is 額縁 (がくぶち).

Basically, someone is making a frame (situation where you look guilty) to go around someone. So they frame you by making you look guilty.

For example:

Police: So you killed her, right?
Suspect: No, no, it wasn't me! I loved her!!
Police: We have evidence which puts you at the scene of the crime...
Suspect: It must have been planted(put there on purpose), I was framed!!

Ok, I will throw in a few more useful crime words:

a witness: someone who sees something happen, usually a crime,
参考人 (さんこうにん)

an alibi: proof that it was impossible for you to commit the crime,
アリバイ or 不在証明 (ふざいしょうめい)

I think that is it for now, let's hope I get better soon. Have a nice week,


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