Sunday, April 29, 2012

It was delicious~!

Yesterday, I had a fantastic meal and it gave me the idea for this lesson. Everyone knows the word delicious but did you know it has many synonyms? Synonyms are word with the same or similar meanings. They're a great way of building up your vocabulary!

It was yummy.

This is usually used by kids and young people, it sounds a bit childish.

It was tasty.

This also sounds young but not as childish as yummy. It is a bit weaker sounding than delicious.

It was scrumptious.

This sounds a bit casual and a little old fashioned, I rarely hear scrumptious used these days.

It was delicious.

This is the standard way we say something tastes good, in Japanese you say oishii.

It was mouthwatering.

This is casual and to me it sounds stronger than delicious. It was so good that it made your mouth water~!

It was delectable.

This is a really formal way of saying something is delicious.

It was palatable.

This is another formal word but it sounds kind of weak, like someone is forcing themselves to say it tasted nice.

Have a great day,


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