Saturday, June 28, 2008

The most and most...

Ok, I just thought I would explain the difference in meaning between "most" and "the most".


Most is used to talk about the majority of something. Think of percentages(%), most is 50% or more.

most people= 51% or more of people

most of the time= more than half of the time

most likely=very likely to happen

Examples sentences:

I like most kinds of ice cream.

Most people I know like pizza.

Most Japanese people have a cellphone.

Do you have any questions about how to use most?

the most

This is used with superlative adjectives like the best. When you want to make a comparative adjective using a long adjective you use more ...than. For example, "A BMW is more expensive than a Honda". To create the superlative form of expensive you use the most+expensive.
So, "The most expensive car in the world is the Bugatti Veyron".(

the most beautiful woman=the number 1 beautiful woman

the most horrible food=the number 1 horrible food(really REALLY bad food)

the most difficult test=the hardest test or the number 1 difficult test

Example sentences:

I think that the most difficult thing about learning Japanese is kanji.

The most famous painting in the world is the Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci.

So as you can see the most means the number 1 something.

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