Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The magic of me too!

"Me too" is a REALLY useful phrase! It is the perfect casual way to say that you can also do, own, want to do or did something.


A: I can swim.

B: I can swim too. = I can too. = Me too.


A: I went to Canada.

B: I went to Canada too. = I did too. = Me too.


A: I want to go to Fiji.

B: I want to go to Fiji too. = I do too. = Me too.


A: I have an ipod.

B: I have an ipod too. = I have one too. = Me too.

So you can see the the most formal is the longest sentence, standard level of politeness is a bit shorter and really casual is the magical ME TOO!

Please remember this is ONLY use when you ALSO want to do, did, own or can do something. So a positive with a positive.

If it is a positive + with a negative - then you have:

A: I can swim. +

B: I can't swim = I can't. -

If it is a negative - with a positive +:

A: I don't have a car. -

B: I have a car. = I do. +

BUT if it is a negative - AND a negative - then you get:

A: I don't want to go to work. -

B: I don't want to go to work either. = I don't either. = Me neither. -

So for positive + and positive + in casual situations use ME TOO and for negative - and negative - situations use ME NEITHER!

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