Wednesday, December 17, 2008

the pinky

the pinky

So this is the smallest finger of the human hand. It is also called: the pinky(Scottish spelling is pinkie), the little finger, the baby finger, the fifth finger (or fourth finger if you don't count the thumb) and even the anti-thumb.

From the word pinky, we get the term pinky ring. This is a small ring worn on the pinky and actually, many engineers in Canada and the U.S. wear a special ring on this finger. Also, villains in movies often wear pinky rings...

While researching this lesson I learned that in Japan, when talking about two people if you lift up your pinky it means they are in a relationship... but it is a bit of an old fashioned gesture.

In China, lifting up the little finger to someone is like the middle finger to English speaking people so it is really rude~!

The last thing to mention about the little finger is: pinky swear or pinky promise. This is when two people link their little fingers and shake to make a promise. It is often used by kids. A long time ago, if you broke this promise you were supposed to cut off your pinky... kind of like the Japanese Yakuza and 指つめ.

A: Are you telling the truth?

B: Sure, I pinky swear it's the truth!

In this case, they probably won't shake using their pinkies. It is kind of like saying: I swear, cross my hurt and hope to die(if I am lying).

Finally! The finger series is done, I hope you enjoyed it ^_^ If you have any questions or suggestions please leave a post on my message board!


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