Sunday, January 23, 2011

Don't choke~!

The other day I was with my girlfriend watching a TV show and a character said:

"I don't wanna choke"

She asked me "What does choke mean?" So today I will teach you all about a few of the meanings of the verb:


The main meaning is that you can't breathe well, even to the point of death. But from this meaning you get many variations:

He choked Bill to death.
(squeezed his neck)

My collar is too tight, it's choking me a bit...
(too tight so you can't breathe)

What's with all the smoke? Open the window before we all choke!
(can't breathe)

As Elvis said: "I'm all choked up."
(full of emotion so that you can't speak.)

The meaning from the TV show was to fail to perform adequately due to tension or agitation(from In other words, you are trying to win or do something but you just can't because of a mental block.

I'm gonna talk to her today. I swear I won't choke.

I can't believe he choked on the penalty kick!

Don't choke! You can do it!

So do you all understand the verb choke? Next time you see a foreigner or go abroad and try to speak English, relax take it easy and just enjoy it. That way you won't choke ^_^

Have a good week,


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