Saturday, January 15, 2011

Indian English, Part 2

On aspect of Indian English is the use of Hinglish. Hinglish is a mix of Hindi and English. Today we're gonna look at some common Hinglish expressions.

discount hai

This means discounted and comes from the Hindi "There is a discount". So hai basically means ある in Japanese.

A: Where are you going?
B: To the mall, discount hai bags~!

sale ka maal

This means goods for sale, from the Hindi maal(goods) and ka(for).

rail roko

This is a blockade of trains as a form of political or social protest. From the Hindi, roko meaning stop.

When I was in India there was a rail roko by Gujjars on the Delhi-Mumbai train route.

line maroing

This means flirting. It's from the Hindi, maro meaning to hit.

That guys always line maroing, you shouldn't trust him.

maha idiot

Meaning a mega-idiot. Maha is Hindi for very so I guess it is similar to the Japanese, チョー 《超》(ちょう).

That guys a real maha idiot!

kya problem hai?

What's the problem? From the Hindi kya for what.

love mein

Meaning to be in love, from the Hindi mein for in.

A: Kya problem hai?
B: I'm love mein but she's married.
A: That's terrible yaar.

Yaar means buddy or friend in Hindi.

bahut bore

This means very boring. Bahut in Hindi means alot.

The movie Kiss of Death is bahut bore! It sucks man.

Well, I think that's enough for now, time to make dinner. Have a nice weekend yaar~!


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