Wednesday, February 15, 2012

It's a fake!

Do you know what the word fake means?

It means it is not real. It is a copy. In Japanese, you would say: にせもの.

A: Do you like my Louis Vuitton bag?

B: Hmm, it's nice but I think it's a fake.

A: What?!?! I'll never buy online again!

You can also use fake as an adjective.

Guard: Tickets please.

Man: Here you go.

Guard: Sorry, sir. This is a fake ticket.

Man: Really? Stupid scalper...

A scalper is someone who illegally resells concert/sports/event tickets, usually for a lot more money on the day of the event.
Fake can also be used as a verb.

Kid: Mom, I can't go to school today. I'm sick.

Mom: I think you're faking! I know you have a big test today.

Kid: Who told you?

Mom: Your teacher called me last night.

Kid: ...OK I'll go to school...


C: My leg, ouch~!

D: Stop faking! Whenever there's work to do you suddenly get hurt.

Any questions?


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