Friday, February 24, 2012

What Japanese foods do you like? Which ones don't you like?

Hey guys, how's it going?

Everyone learns pretty early how to ask if someone likes something:

What's your favorite drink?

Or you can say:

What's your most favorite drink?

Where most is used for emphasis, but this sounds like something a kid would say... ...because the most isn't necessary.
In a really natural way you could also ask:

What drinks do you like?

Many students have trouble asking about something you DON'T like. So today, I will go over a few structures you can use.

The opposite of favorite is least favorite.

What's your least favorite drink?

Which sounds a bit formal.

What drinks do you not like?

This sounds pretty awkward and unnatural, I would probably say:

What drinks dontchu (don't you) like?

If you want to say it formally, you can use the opposite of like ---> dislike.

What drinks do you dislike?

Any questions?


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