Thursday, August 2, 2012

summer weather...

Hey guys, summer vacation is just around the corner... and things are getting way too hot in Japan~! So here's a quick lesson of useful vocabulary to talk about this kind of weather.


This means it is hot and  very humid, it is similar to 油照り (あぶらでり) or 蒸し暑い(むしあつい). This kind of weather makes you sweat a lot and your clothes stick to your skin.

It's been really muggy lately, by the time I get to work my shirt is soaked with sweat! Gross!


This means it is excessively hot and humid. It's too hot and humid and it makes you sweat like crazy. It is stronger than muggy, so muggy that you don't even want to move.

Let's go to the Japan Alps to escape the sweltering summer heat in the city.


This literally means 100C when water boils but it is used in casual English to say that it is REALLY hot. The opposite is freezing.

It's boiling. Let's go somewhere with air conditioning.

scorching hot

This means it is VERY VERY hot. It is hot and dry enough to burn.

It was scorching hot yesterday! I went to the beach and burned my feet when I stepped onto the sand!


This means that the air is old and stale, it isn't fresh. We often use it to describe a house or room. In the summer, when you go away on vacation then come home your place is usually stuffy.

Hey open the windows, this room is too stuffy.

This month is vacation time so I am not sure how often I will be posting on my blog. I will aim for about 6 times. Wish me luck!



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