Wednesday, July 22, 2015

How do you like being a dentist?

Hi everyone, today's post will look at a useful phrase you can use when talking about someone's job.

How do you like being X?

This is a question you can use when discussing someone's current state such as their job, being a father/mother/grandfather/uncle, in a band, etc.

When you answer you usually use one of two structures: one for positive feelings and one for negative ones.

It's negative adjective. I have to (do something unpleasant).


It's positive adjective. I get to (do something pleasant).

In the negative structure, you are forced to do something and so you don't enjoy your situation.

In the positive structure, you are permitted to do something and so you like your situation.

Let's look at some examples:

A: How do you like being married?

B: It's great. I get to be with the love of my life.


A: How do you like being a factory worker?

B: It's so boring. I have to do the same thing all day everyday.


A: How do you like being a doctor.

B: It's tough but rewarding. I get to save lives.


A: How do you like being on the basketball team?

B: It's fun. I get to spend a lot of time with my friends.


A: How do you like being a freelancer?

B: It's hard. I always have to look for new clients.

Any questions? Have a nice weekend,


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