Monday, September 14, 2009


Today, I will talk about how to use the word enough correctly. In Japanese, enough is usually translated as "juubun" (十分, じゅうぶん).

Now one of the most common ways to use enough is when someone is serving you food(like in a cafeteria) or pouring you a drink. When they have given you enough food or drink you can say:

"That's enough."

You might also hear this when someone is pouring you a drink:

A: Say when.
B: That's enough.


A: Say when.
B: When. (as a joke^_-)

The grammatically correct way to use enough is

-BEFORE nouns and

-AFTER adjectives

For example:

I don't have enough money.

Money is a noun and so enough comes BEFORE money.

She was not pretty enough for me so I broke up with her.

Pretty is an adjective so it comes AFTER enough.

Does everyone understand? If you have any questions or want to try and write some example sentences please post them on my message board on the left side of the screen!



irene said...

Pssst... "Japanese Learners" (in your blog description) shouldn't have an apostrophe :P

Found your blog whilst googling for resources... I'm an English teacher too. *grins*

Phil said...

Thanks alot I fixed it ^_-