Sunday, January 10, 2010

FYI I graduated at the top of my class...

Hey everyone, today we will talk about acronyms. Acronyms are a short word that is created by using the first letter of many other words. For example:

USA = United States of America

CIA = Central Intelligence Agency

MILF = Mother I'd like to F*#K

And so on... you often hear acronyms in movies because they are really common in the U.S. military; MPs (Military Police), MREs (Meals Ready to Eat), etc.

They are also really common in internet English:

LOL = Laugh Out Loud

IMHO = In My Honest Opinion

BBL = Be Back Later

BRB = Be Right Back

There are two acronyms I would like to talk about today, they sound pretty similar FYI and DIY. They are pronounced F-Y-I and D-Y-I.

FYI stands for For Your Information and

DIY stands for Do It Yourself.

So you can say:

F-Y-I, I saw her with another guy. I don't think she likes you. OR

For Your Information, I saw her with another guy. I don't think she likes you.

I think the second one sounds meaner, I often see it used in movies and TV shows where one character is delivering bad news and is trying to sound superior... the tone of voice is important here. FYI may just be used to give a heads up(quick notice so they won't be caught by surprise) or it can be used to be mean by giving information the person will not like receiving.

DIY is a word many guys love and it is used to talk about home construction projects you Do Yourself without help. This could be fixing the plumbing, building a fence, putting down new flooring, etc. It became really popular during the whole home renovation(in Japanese you say renewal or renew) boom. If you want an idea what I mean google DIY and you will see many websites and video examples.

That's it for now,


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