Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Do you like to cuddle?

OK here's one last quick lesson before I go on vacation. The other day I was teaching quite advanced students and they didn't know these verbs:

-to snuggle

-to cuddle

Do you know them? These are both warm, positive verbs often used when talking about getting comfortable or about being close to someone you love.

To snuggle means to lie or press closely together. It can also mean to curl up closely or comfortably. The second (weaker) meaning is one of hugging and holding someone closely to comfort them or to show your affection.

To cuddle, is very positive and is an expression full of love & affection. It has a strong meaning of hugging and holding in your arms. The second (weaker) meaning is to curl up closely or comfortably.

So as you can see these two verbs are really close and can pretty much be used interchangeably.

1- I like to cuddle up with a good book.

2- I like to snuggle up with a good book.

3- I like to curl up with a good book.

For me #1 and #3 sound the most natural, I wouldn't say #2 it sounds too cute so I guess women might be more likely to say it or people speaking a slightly different English dialect would use it.

My girlfriend likes to cuddle in bed, it keeps me from sleeping!

It was so cold yesterday, I snuggled into my blanket and didn't wanna get out of bed.

Alright that is it for now, I will post some videos from youtube over the break and try and post a few more lessons at the end of the month~!

Have a great summer vacation,


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