Thursday, June 30, 2011

Do you wanna do something tomorrow?

Ok everyone, to round up this month here's a small lesson about a structure you can use for a casual invitation/offer.

Do you want to ~ X?

To make it more casual remember to use: wanna.

want to -----> wanna

So you should say:

Do you wanna ~ x?

Do you wanna go out for drinks tonight?

Do you wanna catch a movie this weekend?

Do you wanna have dinner with me?

To make it EVEN MORE casual you can DROP "Do you"...

Wanna ~ X?

Wanna go dancing tonight?
Do you want to go dancing tonight?

Wanna watch Teen Wolf?
Do you want to watch Teen Wolf?

Wanna beer?
Do you want a beer?

Any questions? Remember, "Wanna~x?" is SUPER casual so you should only use it with close friends and family.

Have a good night, I'm gonna try and post 6-7 times next month. Wish me luck!


Monday, June 27, 2011

Free apps from Cambridge Press~!

Hey everyone, I am not sure how long these apps will be free but Cambridge has dropped the price on some of their grammar apps... to FREE!

Essential Grammar in Use tests

English Grammar in Use Activities

Advanced Grammar in Use Activities

Cambridge University Press is a pretty big English as a Second Language publisher so these should be pretty good apps. Plus the price is currently free so why not give them a try?


Saturday, June 25, 2011

Can you handle it?

Do you understand this question? Hopefully, by the end of this lesson you will~!

A handle (n) is the part of a machine you use to steer or control it, it is designed to be held in the HAND. Like a handlebar on a bicycle.

So from the word hand we get the verb to handle which means to touch, lift, hold in your hands or operate using yours hands.

This car handles well. (operate)

Stop handling my girlfriend! (old usage, touch)

The MOST common modern usages are:

To deal with or take care of something/someone.

I'll handle the party preparations.

To have responsibility for something/someone.

Who's handling the Smith account?

Our Singapore branch handles all our Asian clients.

To cope with a problem, to dispose(get rid of) of something.

I can't handle the stress anymore!!! (cope with)

I'll handle him, he won't be a problem anymore.
(take care of... meaning get rid of-like in a mafia movie!)

So the question:

Can you handle it?


Can you take care of it?

Have a nice Saturday night!


P.S. What's your handle? Is slang meaning what's your name/nickname!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

O + vowel

Here's another simple little pronunciation lesson to help you sound more natural when speaking English.

When we have an O followed by a vowel (a, e, i, o, u & sometimes y) we get a W sound linking them!

O + vowel = Ow+vowel

For example:

I go out for drinks every Friday.


I goWOUT for drinks every Friday.

go away = go-WA-WAY

go on TV = go-WON TV

go in = go-WIN

to a movie = to-WA movie

So you can have a sentence like this:

I'm goWINg to WA movie.

Anything questions?


Sunday, June 12, 2011

Twenny? Cenner? Sanna Claus???

Hi everyone, this weekend here's a little pronunciation lesson. In English, when we have

N + T + vowel

The T is DROPPED. So, we get:

NN + vowel

Vowels in English are : a e i o u and y.

For example:

center ----> cenner

Santa Claus ----> Sanna Claus

twenty ----> twenny

seventy ----> sevenny

ninety ----> ninny

It is also used to CONNECT words.

I went out for dinner in Umeda.


I wennout for dinner in Umeda.

It is also why want to becomes wanna.

Have a good week,


Thursday, June 9, 2011

Steal, rob, mug...?

For today's lesson we will talk about the difference between steal/rob/mug.


This is used for THINGS and is done in secret. It happens when no one is looking. So you go out and you come back and something is gone~!

Someone stole my sandwich from the fridge...

A: Hey, where's my TV???

B: WHAT!?!?! It was STOLEN~!


This is used for PEOPLE and PLACES. It is noticeable.

A: Where's he stereo? The DVD player???

B: Oh no~! We've been ROBBED~!!

The bank was robbed yesterday and 2 million dollars was stolen.


This is used when someone forces you to give them your valuables on the street. Usually, with a gun or knife...

(man pulls out a knife)

C: Give me your wallet and watch~!

D: What the hell?!?!

C: Quick~! Or I'll stab you!

D: Here you go.

(the mugger runs away)

D: Help! I've been mugged~!!!

Does anyone have any questions? Have a good weekend,


Sunday, June 5, 2011

Th sound practice

Hey everyone, for this Sunday why don't you practice saying the "th" sound. You make it by putting your tongue between your teeth and pulling back.

Try practicing this sentence:

The thirty thugs thought they were tough.

A thug is a ごろつき or a 乱暴者 (らんぼうもの).

Enjoy the rest of your weekend~!


Saturday, June 4, 2011

You snooze you lose~!

Have you heard this saying before?

Snooze is a casual word for sleep or nap:

I am going to take a snooze.

So we also use it on our alarm clock:

I hit the snooze button and woke up late~!

The snooze button is the button you push to turn off your alarm so you can sleep 5 more minutes.

So we use the saying "You snooze you lose" when someone is TOO SLOW and so they MISS OUT on something.

A: Hey, where's the last donut???

B: You snooze you lose buddy, it was delicious~!


Tom: I can't believe you asked Sara out!! You knew I liked her!

Harry: Tom, I gave you 6 MONTHS to ask her out.

Tom: But I'm shy...

Harry: You snooze you lose, sorry now it's my turn.

Tom: ...

Enjoy using your new expression!
