Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I'll think about it....

Hi everyone, it's time for another cultural miscommunication's lesson~!

When someone says:

I'll think about it.

It often means:


When someone you are dating says:

We need to talk.

It usually means, there's bad news... for example:

I'm gonna break up with you.

BUT sometimes it can be good news~!

We need to talk... ...I'm pregnant!

Well, that example could be good or bad news depending on your point of view ^_-

These examples are a kind of code that is culturally based, you hear them all the time in movies and TV shows. People react not based on the words that are said but on their hidden meaning!

For example, in the 1950s this was a common scene:

Tom: Hey, Sally wanna go out with me on Friday night?

Sally: Sorry, I'm busy. I'm washing my hair.

Tom: Oh, ok... -_-

The subtext here is that:

I'm washing my hair = I am not interested in you/I don't want to date you.

Have a nice rainy day,


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