Hey everyone, here's a Halloween lesson on a few useful idioms that mean COWARD, the person will not stand up for themselves...
to be spineless
A spine is the link of bones (the vertebrae) that makes up your back and helps you stand up straight. So to be spine less means you have no spine! So you can't stand, you are a coward...

a spine from http://www.cedars-sinai.edu/Patients/Programs-and-Services/Spine-Center/Anatomy-of-the-Spine/Curves-of-the-Spine.aspx
Tom: What was that?? Was that a g-g-ghost?!?!?!
Bob: Don't be so spineless! It was just the wind...
Alex: Should we ask Tom to go with us and check out the haunted house (お化け屋敷 -おばけやしき)?
Bob: Tom he's spineless! There's no way (zero chance) he'll go with us.
Alex: Yeah, you're right. Let's just go.
to have no backbone
Backbone means the same as spine but is much more casual... so it sounds a bit weaker than to be spineless. Of course, if you say someone HAS a backbone then you are saying they are BRAVE.
Jim has no backbone! His wife's always pushing him around.
You need to have more backbone! You can't let your coworker bully you!
Too bad he has no backbone, otherwise he'd be a really attractive guy.