Monday, October 28, 2013

On TV vs On a TV

Here's a quick lesson on the importance of properly using a.

If you say:

I was on TV.

This means that you appeared on TV. You were on a TV show.

My mother is on TV all the time, she works for a news show.

I am on A TV.

This means that you are standing on top of a TV~! Of course now that we have flatscreen TVs it is harder to do...

Hey get down~! Standing on a TV is dangerous!

Of course, usually we talk about the TV set in our own homes so in that case we usually use THE TV. Because we are talking about one specific TV.

The cat is sleeping on top of the TV again.

Don't put heaving things on the TV.

Grant: Where's the remote?

Ned: I think it's next to the TV.

Any questions?


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