Sunday, July 27, 2008

See, look, watch and stare... Part A

Ok, I just got back from working in Minami-Kusatsu and my girlfriend is coming over so this lesson will be broken into two parts and I should be posting Part B tomorrow. Today, I will go over stare and look.


There are three different uses of look I will go over today:

1- look at= to turn your eyes in a specific directions. It is often used to point something out or to call attention to something.

  1. Look at that! (look at that thing)
  2. I want to look at that poster. (let's go and focus our eyes on that poster)
  3. He's looking at you. (his eyes are focusing on you)

2- look for= to search for something/someone, to try and find something/something.


  1. I am looking for my friend Jim. (I am trying to find Jim in a crowd)
  2. What are you looking for? (a store clerk asking what do you want?)
  3. I always look for good books to read. (try to find a good book to read)

3- look like =to be similar in appearance to someone or something.


  1. He looks like Johnny Depp. (His appearance is similar to Johnny Depp's)
  2. That looks like fun. (It appears to be fun)
  3. That lamp looks like a fish. (The lamp is shaped like a fish)


stare = to look at someone or something for a long time, to look at someone or something intently.


  1. It is rude to stare. (social rule)
  2. Stop staring at me~! (angry person telling you to stop looking at them)
  3. What are you staring at? (angry person has caught you looking at them and may want to fight)

When I was young, we used to have staring contests. This is when two people look at each until someone blinks. The person who blinks first is the loser. To blink, is to open and close your eyes quickly.

Ok more tomorrow, have a nice Sunday night!


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