Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Do Japanese people have...?

So time for another mini-lesson, as it is the holiday season I am pretty busy doing Christmas shopping and packing for my upcoming trip to Europe so I don't have as much free time to write longer posts. Sorry about that, but I hope you still enjoy these shorter lessons ^_-

Today, I will be talking about some rooms and places you fill find in a house in the West. I wonder if Japanese homes also have these? Maybe you can post a comment and let me know~!

So the typical rooms in a house are:

  • an attic アティック or 屋根裏 (やねうら)
  • a pantry パントリー or 配膳室 (はいぜんしつ)
  • a living room 居間 (いま)
  • a dining room ダイニングルーム
  • a kitchen キッチン or 台所 (だいどころ)
  • a bedroom 寝室 (しんしつ)
  • a bathroom (which usually also has a toilet)
  • a garage ガレージ
  • a basement 地下室 ( ちかしつ) or 地階 (ちかい)
  • a hallway 廊下 (ろうか)

You might also hear about some other places in a western home. For example at my house we had:

a den, this was our TV room we also had a living room for special occasions

a linen closet in the hallway where we kept linens like; sheets, blankets, towels, etc.

a junk drawer in the kitchen, where we would keep all kinds of junk like; rubber bands, twist ties, staplers, scissors, string, glue, etc.

So do Japanese homes have linen closets, dens or junk drawers?


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