Thursday, December 10, 2009

What can you do in Montreal?

Hey everyone, how's everything with you? Today, we are gonna have a quick pronounciation lesson. In English, when you have a word which finishes in O followed by a word which starts in I it becomes a WI sound.

O + I = WI

So here are a few example sentences to help you sound more like a native English speaker.

What are you doing? (formal)

Whad R U do-wing? (normal)

Whacha do-win? (casual)

Here you can see that "What are you" becomes "Whacha" in very casual English. You will often hear kids asking this questions~!

What is going on this weekend? (formal)

What's go-wing on this weekend? (normal)

What's go-win-non this weekend? (casual)

You can notice that in casual English the final g in words is often dropped:

going -----> goin'

doing -----> doin'

Also notice that the N connects to the following vowel. Just like you get:

an apple ----> an-Napple

an orange -----> an-Norange

and so when you drop the final G you get:

going on -----> go-win-Non

Here's my final example:

What can you do in Montreal? (formal)

What can you do-win Montreal? (normal)

What can ya do-win Montreal? (casual)

Alright, that's it for now have a good weekend~!


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