Monday, February 21, 2011

Eh, I'm not too picky...

Hey everyone! It's time for another mini-lesson. Today we'll talk about the word:


Do you know this word? It comes from the verb "to pick" meaning "to choose". For example;

Hurry up and pick something so we can all order!

When you add Y to words in English you can make them into casual adjectives.

pick ----> pickY
rock ----> rockY
luck ----> luckY

Picky means you are very particular about your choices. You only want X and nothing else.

A: Here's your salad.

B: Huh, what's this? This isn't arugula!

A: Sorry, I only have romaine lettuce.

B: Well then I'm not eating it, I only eat arugula.

A: Wow, you're really picky.

The most common synonym is choosy. You might also hear finicky or fussy. BUT these are usually used to talk about KIDS!

C: What do you want for dinner?

D: Anything's fine, I'm not picky.

Have a nice week!


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