Monday, September 12, 2011

Plastic surgery

I will continue talking about medical topics today: plastic surgery.

Or sometimes it is called cosmetic surgery. In North America, the most popular types of plastic surgery are:

botox ボトックス

This is an injection (注射 - ちゅうしゃ) of a neurotoxin which kills your nerves to stop wrinkles (老いの波 - おいのなみ). It only lasts a few months and then you need to do it again.

A lot of movie stars get botox.

liposuction 脂肪吸引 (しぼうきゅういん)

This is when they suck the fat out of you.

A: Man, Bob's lost a lot of weight! Did he hit the gym?

B: Nah, I heard he got liposuction!

A: No way! He's looking good, I hope he can keep the weight off.

a boob job 豊胸手術 (ほうきょうしゅじゅつ)

This is casual English, it is also called a breast enlargement (medical term). Where the doctor will install breast implants to increase a woman's breast size.

My friend is thinking of getting a boob job but I told her she looks fine and doesn't need it.

a nose job 隆鼻術 (りゅうびじゅつ)

This is where someone will have their nose done. The medical term is rhinoplasty. In the west it is most often used to make your nose smaller. I think in Asia it is often to make it a bit more pointy.

Wow! She looks really beautiful since she got her nose job.

Those are the most common, you might also hear someone say:

A: I think she got a face lift!

B: Yeah, I think so too. Her wrinkles are gone but now her skin is too tight.

A: Yeah! She looks kind of scary...

A face lift is a surgery where they will lift your face up and tighten your skin to get rid of wrinkles.

In Asia, a lot of people have their eyes done. This is the surgery people get to have more western style eyes or bigger looking eyes.

Have a nice week!


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