Wednesday, June 13, 2012

It's time consuming...

Hey guys, do you know what this expression means? It means that something takes too much time.

I don't like making pasta from scratch it's too time consuming. That's why I use instant pasta from Italy.

To make from scratch = homemade, in this case out of flour, eggs, water, etc.

Time consuming comes from the verb to consume which means to eat or use up. This is also where we get the term consumption tax (消費税 - しょうひぜい) and consumer (消費者 - しょうひしゃ).

Driving to work is so time consuming with all the traffic jams, I am thinking of moving closer to my office...

This sounds a bit more high level or formal than:

Driving to work takes too much time with all the traffic jams, I'm thinking of moving closer to my office...

 So time consuming is a great phrase to sound smart, to use at work or even whenever you want to complain about something taking too long.

Have a nice day,


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