Sunday, August 4, 2013

What's he like?

Today I'm gonna look at three very similar questions that non-native English speakers can easily mix up.

What's he like?

This is asking about PERSONALITY. Let's look at some correct responses:

He's dependable (頼りに出来る). <----> He's undependable.

He's really funny & outgoing.

He's pragmatic (practical).

He is a bit scatterbrained (in Japanese おっちょこちょい).

What does he like?

This is asking about his PREFERENCES. It is often used by shop staff when someone is gift shopping.

He likes golf.

He loves playing tennis.

He enjoys reading.

He's always gardening.

What does he look like?

This is asking about his APPEARANCE.

He's tall and good looking.

He's short & stocky.

He has blue eyes and short blond hair.

He has dark brown hair & a small nose.

He's average height & wears glasses.

Notice that we use is + adjectives and has + nouns or noun phrases.

Have a great week!


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