Ok so today I will be talking about some beer idioms/expressions. When I first thought about making this lesson I came up with 3 different ones:
1-Beer Run
This means you need to go to the store to buy more beer. You might also hear "smoke run" or "cigarette run" when someone needs to go get more cigarettes.
"I'm going on a beer run, does anybody need anything?"
2-Beer goggles
Goggles are the glasses people use to see underwater when swimming, usually you don't see very clearly when wearing goggles. So, this idiom means that after drinking many beers someone looks good but the next morning you seem them sober (not drunk) and they don't look as good as you remember.
"Man, did you see the girl Paul left with? He must be wearing beer goggles~!"
3-Beer belly
This is the big belly(stomach) that men usually start to get in middle age. It kind of looks like they are pregnant... we call it a beer belly.
"My Dad has a beer belly

When doing my research for this lesson I came across a few more interesting idioms:
beer up = to drink a lot of beer
"Time to beer up guys~!"
to cry in one's beer = to feel sorry for oneself
"He's crying in his beer, his girlfriend just left him."
Life is not all skittles and beer = you can't always be having fun
This is a saying or proverb, not an idiom.
small beer = something that is not important
This is British and Australian English, in Canada and the US we say small potatoes instead.
Ok that is it for now, I learned a few new idioms and I hope you did too~!
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