Friday, July 17, 2009

Beer Part 3

Today, I will wrap up my lessons about beer with some words, phrases and expressions that I think you should know.

Last call

This is your last chance to order alcohol at a bar, usually 15 minutes before closing time.

Many bars in the US play the song "Closing Time" and turn on the lights to let you know it is time to leave the bar. To hear the song follow this link:

So if you hear someone say "It's closing time" that means it is time for you to go home.


This is when people take turns buying drinks. So we are 4 people out drinking together. Paul buys the first round, Jim the second, Tom the third and Alex the fourth. After that it is Paul's turn again.

"Who wants to buy the first round?"

"Whose round is it?"

On the house

This means that it is free, the house (the business or owner) will pay for it.

customer: "I didn't order this."
bartender: "It's on the house."
customer: "Thanks~!"

Bartender(men and women)
& barmaid(women, old fashioned)

These are the people working behind the bar who sell alcohol, waiters and waitresses leave the bar and serve you drinks at your table. Bartenders just stay at the bar, serving drinks and mixing cocktails.

Hmmm, that is all I can think of at the moment so I guess this is the end of my beer series!


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