Sunday, February 6, 2011

Bacteria vs. germs

Hey everyone, here's a quick little lesson to start off the month. Do you know what the difference is between bacteria and germs? I am not talking about a detailed difference in the biological sense but about the difference in meaning in casual everyday spoken English...

...GERMS is NEGATIVE, it is used to talk about bad micro-organisms. In Japanese, you might say: 病菌 (びょうきん) or 黴菌 (ばいきん).

I hate germs~! They make us sick.

Oh, if you don't know, organism means a living thing like 有機体 (ゆうきたい) or 生き物 (いきもの). Probably it is closer in meaning to "yuukitai". A micro-organism is simply a very very small living thing.

BACTERIA on the other hand is more neutral, it could be bad or good.

I eat a special yogurt to give my stomach some good bacteria to help with my digestion.

I always use anti-bacterial cleaning products, I hate bacteria like salmonella!

Bacteria in Japanese is of course, バクテリア.

I hope you enjoyed this lesson, I will try and post a new one soon!


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