Saturday, December 8, 2012

Well, I got to go, take care.

Do you know when to use this sentence?

It is most commonly used when you run into someone and have a quick conversation. This is how you politely end the conversation so you can continue going where you were going before bumping into your friend. ^_^


This indicates a change in topic or a conclusion.

I got to (pronounced godda) go or you could say 
I have to (hafta) go or
I need to go (formal)

and if you are in a rush you can switch go with RUN.

Then you finish the sentence with something polite related to your previous conversation:

take care

have a good time

see you

see you around


So the next time you have to continue on your way because you're in a hurry, please say something like this:

A: Well, it was nice bumping into you but I gotta run. Take care.

B: You too, see you.

Have a nice weekend,


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