Sunday, November 9, 2008


Hey everyone, today I want to talk a bit about the importance of pronunciation and how changing the sound of a word can change the meaning.

The word I will use as an example is:


1st - closer pronounced "closser"

This is the comparitive form of close, adj.

My house is closer to the station than yours.

I'm closer to finishing the game than you! hahaha

2nd - closer pronounced "clozer"

This is someone who closes things, for example a store or business deal, noun.

He's our company's closer, he will get the contracts signed!

Ah man! I have to be the closer at work tonight!! I won't get home till late...

3rd - closer pronounced "closser"

This is the same pronunciation as the 1st but it is an ADVERB.

Come closer so I can see you better.

We're getting closer to Tokyo.

Have a nice cold day in Kansai!


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