Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Internet English Part 1

Ok, I was in my local library a few weeks ago and came across a book published by Yahoo! Japan about "メール チャット で 英語" I thought it looked really interesting so it has inspired me to do a 3 part series about Internet English. In Part 1, I will go over some of the most common words and expressions, Part 2 will cover longer expressions and sentences and in Part 3 I will talk about different ways to talk about online activities.

So, I have been online for about 20 years. Before there was an internet I would log into a BBS(Bulletin Board Service) which was a computer in someone's home that hosted a community where you could post messages and play games with other people. I have seen many different expressions and most are probably used by young "net savvy" people but here are some I know well and sometimes use:

LOL = Laugh Out Loud

ROTFL = Rolling On the Floor Laughing

BRB = Be Right Back, used when you are leaving the computer for a minute in the middle of a conversation on a chatting program like msn or yahoo messenger

IMHO = In My Honest Opinion

OIC = Oh I see, meaning 分かりました or なるほど

IDK = I Don't Know

LetMeNo = Let Me Know

Ti2Go = Time To Go

MYOB = Mind Your Own Business, don't bother me about my life

All of the above expressions are usually used online by people chatting. The next expressions are used even offline.

ASAP = As Soon As Possible

This expression came from the US Military but is common these days in business situations. The pronunciation is DIFFERENT though~! Everyday people say A-S-A-P but military people say asap A-SAP.

FYI = For Your Information

Again people might use this in conversation and say "F-Y-I the party has been moved to the 4th floor conference room".

Then there are the ways in which English is changing for text messaging(cellphone emails). Usually, people want to send short messages and they pay by how big the mail is so people have developed a kind of shorthand way of writing English.

BTW = By The Way

Msg me 2nite = Message me tonight.

Can I C U 2nite? = Can I see you tonight?

Don't B l8 Pls = Don't be late please.

R U busy? = Are you busy?

R U OK? = Are you Ok?

You'll notice that many of these quick short ways of writing are PHONETIC meaning they follow how the letters of the alphabet sound. So,

How are you?


How R U?


See you later.


CU later or CU l8ter

Ok everyone, that is it for now,

CU 2morrow ppl~!


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