Tuesday, March 17, 2009

work for? work at?

Hey everyone, today we will talk about a common small talk topic when you meet someone new:


When someone asks "Where do you work?" they don't mean the location where you work but what is your companies name~!

A: Where do you work?

B: I work in Kyoto.----> INCORRECT!!!

This is the correct answer ^_^

A: Where do you work?

B: I work at Nintendo.

A: Where's your office? (location)

B: It's in Kyoto.

The next thing I would like to mention is the small difference between "work for" and "work at".

The difference is when you use work for, you usually represent your company or employer at many different locations. So it is often used by police officers, lawyers, the gas man, etc.

I work for Smith, Warwick & Associates. (a law firm)

I work for the LAPD. (Los Angeles Police Department)

I work for Glico. (I am a salesman so often travel to visit customers)

I work for Tokyo Gas. (I am the Gas man)

When you use work at, you usually go to the same location everyday. You don't really represent your employer anywhere outside your office.

I work at Nintendo. (at one office, maybe a salaryman)

I work at Kyoto Hospital. (doctor or nurse, I go to one hospital)

I work at Acer. (I am a researcher at one office)

I work at City Hall. (I am a government employee)

I hope that helped, just remember at for one place and for when you represent the company OUTSIDE their office and go many places.

Have a great day, enjoy the sunshine~!


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