Sunday, April 26, 2009

The 3 Rs

Hey everyone, today we will talk about another list of words: the 3 Rs. This is a list used to describe the basic skills taught in elementary school. It is pretty old, people started to use it back in the 1800s when the idea that all kids should go to elementary school started.

So what are the 3Rs? Can you guess? Some people think they were originally:

'Riting (writing)
Reckoning (old word for thinking)

But the most widely accepted list is:

'Riting and
'Rithmetic (arithmetic)

These are the basic skills that were taught when elementary schools were first opened. Arithmetic is basic mathematics skills(+ addition, - subtraction, x multiplication and, / division).

Unlike the 5Ws, the 3 Rs don't all start with the letter R~! But all the words start with a very strong R sound which is why the list was given this name. For more information check out this entry on wikipedia:

I hope you enjoyed this, have a nice week~!


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