Monday, June 8, 2009

Excuse me, where's the washroom?

Hey everyone, today I am gonna talk about many of the different ways to ask for the washroom. The most widely used word worldwide is toilet, this is really useful in Asia, Africa and South America but in English speaking western countries toilet is TOO direct. It sounds very rude to English speaking ears.

In North America, we usually use washroom or bathroom. I usually use bathroom, because in Canada and the US the toilet is usually in the same room as the bath tub. You might also hear the word restroom. This is not used so often in spoken English but is very common in written English, especially on maps and next to highways.

In the UK, you might hear the word WC. This stands for Water CBoldloset and is from old English. It is common on signs in Europe and in former British Colonies, it is pronounced WC = double U C.

In restaurants, people usually say:

Excuse me, I have to go to the Men's room.


Excuse me, I have to go to the Ladies room.

Some women to sound cute will say:

Excuse me, I have to go to the little girl's room.

But that is a bit weird if you are over 25 years old I think~!

In REALLY casual English, usually spoken among men you might hear:

I gotta go to the can.

Where's the john?

There are many other words for toilet but I think these are the most common. I hope you enjoyed today's lesson!


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