Saturday, June 13, 2009

Horrible? Horrifying?

Hi everyone, today one of my students said something which I thought was interesting:

"It was horrible."

She was talking about the movie Angels & Demons and meant to say:

"It was horrifying."

So we will quickly look at the difference between these two sentences.

If you say terrible or horrible you are saying something is really really bad in a polite or formal way. If you want to say something is really really bad in a casual way you can say:

"It sucked~!" or

"It was garbage."

"It was crap." (crap means うんこ)

On the other hand, if you want to say something is really really scary, you can say:

"It was horrifying."
meaning scary and disturbing(makes you feel uncomfortable)

"It was terrifying."
meaning really scary

To sound more casual, you can say:

"It was really scary."

"It scared me out of my mind."

Well guys, I hope that helped and that now you can describe horror movies a bit better~!


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