Sunday, April 24, 2011


Hey everyone, last Friday I went to my Japanese lesson and learned a few idioms ^_^ Here are some of my favorite idioms from that lesson:


He's goofing/slacking off.

But it literally means "He is selling oil"~! Anyone know the story behind this idiom?


It's too late~! I missed my chance...

It literally means "after the festival".


Meaning, I'm so embarrassed I wish I could just disappear. The literal meaning in Japanese is "I wish I could go into a hole".

The closest English idiom is: I wish I could just crawl into a hole and die!

As you can see, the English idiom sounds much stronger, I am SOOO embarrassed I wish I could crawl into a hole somewhere and die.

And my favorite,


Meaning, it's really easy.

In English, we use the idiom "It's like taking candy from a baby" but in Japanese you say "it is like twisting a baby's arm"!!! It is even stronger in Japanese, wild.

Have a nice Sunday night~!


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