Thursday, April 7, 2011

On Sunday? On SundayS???

Hi Everyone, today I'm going to post a quick lesson about regular actions. We use the present tense to talk about REGULAR ACTIONS. So it is often used in combination with words like: everyday, sometimes, usually, always, once a day, twice a week, etc.

I floss everyday.

I usually take a shower once a day, but in the summer I sometimes take two cold showers a day.

He sometimes brings his lunch to work.

My Mom usually makes dinner for us every night.

When talking about regular actions we often talk about things we do every week on the same day.

In Canada & the US we say on SundayS, on TuesdayS, etc.

I go grocery shopping on SundayS.

In the UK they usually say on Sunday, on Wednesday, on Tuesday.
I go grocery shopping on Sunday.

But we BOTH say: on weekendS and every weekend.

I go clubbing every weekend.

I like to go hiking on weekendS.

These two have a slightly different meaning. Every weekend means each and every week on Saturday and/or Sunday. On weekendS means I usually do X on SaturdayS and/or SundayS BUT maybe not every week.

Have a good weekend,


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