Monday, October 29, 2012

To Rob vs To Steal Revisted

Over a year ago I talked about steal/rob/mug and I think it is time to revisit the difference between steal and rob.

To steal is used with THINGS.

A: Get out! (throws guy onto the street)
B: Help! He stole my car! I've been carjacked!

Someone stole my new cellphone!

Did you ever steal anything?

Have you ever had something stolen?

To rob is used with PEOPLE or PLACES.

My house was robbed!

Jim: I need money fast so I'm gonna rob a bank.
Don: Are you crazy?

Did you ever rob someone?

Have you ever been robbed?

The meaning is pretty much the same but the usage is quite different so be careful! You GET robbed and you HAVE things stolen from you.

Harry: Someone broke into my house, I've been robbed!
Policeman: Did they take anything?
Harry: Yeah they stole my flatscreen TV, laptop and iPad.

Any questions?


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