Sunday, February 19, 2012

Can't you take a joke?

Do you guys understand this question? To take a joke means that someone teases you or makes fun of you and you just laugh with them-you don't get angry.

A: My new boss has no sense of humor.

B: Why do you say that?

A: He fired Sam for making a joke about him~!

B: What? Really? Sounds like he can't take a joke.

A: Yeah, Sam was doing an impression of our Boss when he walked into the room. He didn't think it was funny and fired him on the spot!

B: Wow, that sucks.

An impression is when you imitate how someone speaks, moves and sounds.

He can do impressions of many famous people. His best is Humphrey Bogart.

On the spot means at that moment or right away, it is usually used with negative things or surprising things.

He fell in love and married her on the spot. I was so shocked~!

Have a nice Saturday~!


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