Sunday, February 26, 2012

scratch vs. scrape

Hi everyone, do you know the difference between:




A scratch is usually caused by a nail removing a bit of skin, sometimes it doesn't even break the skin. It is from the verb to scratch (かく) which is what you do when you are itchy(痒い).


A scrape is not deep but it is quite wide. It is when something is dragged against something else and removes a layer. It is also a verb, to scrape.

In Montreal, during the winter you have to use an ice scraper to remove the ice from your car windows.

A: What happened?

B: This? It's just a scrape, I fell down skateboarding.

I was running and I slipped and scraped my knee.

A scraped knee happened to me a lot when I was a kid, I liked to run and play ^_-

Actually, when you're a kid and you get hurt you often run to show your Dad what happened. Many Dads will then say:

It's just a scratch.

Which means "It's nothing to worry about" it is a small problem. Usually when Moms say that they then kiss it to make it better ^_^

Have a nice week,


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