Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Let's agree to disagree...

Have you heard this saying before? Today, I am gonna teach a short lesson explaining this expression and telling you when and how to use it ^_-

Let's agree to disagree.

This means that you both have different opinions BUT you can't convince the other person to change their mind. SO, you agree to disagree. You have your opinion, I have my opinion-they are different BUT let's stop arguing about it.

You use this expression when you are arguing with someone, you have different opinions and the argument continues for a long time. Finally, you want to drop the subject (stop talking about it) and talk about something else.

A: Obama is a great president.
B: Are you crazy? He's a terrible president. George W. Bush was a much better president.
A: WHAT??? You like George W. Bush? He was a total idiot and a liar!
B: No way, he kept our country safe!
A: Huh? He stole an election! Ok, Ok, let's just agree to disagree.
B: Ok... so where do you wanna go for dinner?

So you can see the two friends are arguing, they can't agree about who is the better president. Finally, they just want to talk about something else and they agree to disagree.

Have a nice day,


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