Sunday, September 19, 2010

Rinse vs. wash

Hey everyone, I just realized I haven't posted in awhile so I looked through my notes for lesson ideas and found this one about the difference between rinse and wash.

Do you know the difference?


It means to wash lightly with water and NO SOAP. It also means to REMOVE SOAP by washing something lightly in water. In Japanese, it's 濯ぐ (すすぐ).

After swimming in the ocean, I always take a quick shower to rinse off the salt.

Shampoo bottle instructions:
1- Wet your hair.
2- Put the shampoo on your hair and massage your scalp(skin on your head).
3- Rinse
4- Repeat as needed.

Oh, one more thing! Remember, in Japanese Conditioner = Rinse in English and what we call Rinse, Japanese people say Conditioner! It is the opposite! So if you go abroad and want リンス ask for conditioner ^_-


This means to clean something USING SOAP or some other cleaning product like shampoo, laundry detergent, etc. In Japanese, it's 洗う (あらう).

Always wash your hands after using the restroom.

A: Where is your brother?
B: He's washing the car.

I wash my laundry once or twice a week.

If you don't stop using such bad words, I'll wash your mouth with soap!

Any questions? Enjoy your Monday off!


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