Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Shut up!!! You're driving me crazy!

Hey everyone, I hope you are having a good week. Today's lesson is about the word:


In Japanese, you would say:気が狂う (きがくるう) . A higher level word that means the same thing as crazy is INSANE but crazy is more casual...

In casual English, there are many many ways to say crazy:


Man, that guy is totally nuts~!


I broke up with her because she was cuckoo!


I saw a guy punching a cop! That was mental...

round the bend

My Uncle Willy went round the bend so we had to put him in a nursing home.

When we use the word crazy we often use it to say someone/something is driving someone crazy.

My neighbor is driving me nuts! He does his laundry at 7am every morning!

My Mom is driving my sister round the bend nagging her about getting married.

His girlfriend was driving him crazy with her constant nagging...

When people chew gum in class it drives my teacher insane!

Any questions?

Have a good week,


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